Eastern Whio Link

Biodiversity Project


About this project

Eastern Whio Link is a large land, water and biodiversity management project in the Waioeka between Gisborne and Opotiki spanning 40,000ha of farm and conservation lands.

Currently we are managing predators such as stoats and cats across this landscape but to build resilience into the depleted forest system and to establish new plantings of native forest we must first control the feral deer issue. Deer have eaten all plantings we have established so far.

Phase one of the project is to control deer across 40,000ha using ground and helicopter hunting.

Phase 2 is to establish plantings on marginal farmland.

Phase 3 is to manage and maintain the deer herd and plantings.

Project by:

Eastern Whio Link

40,000 ha

Project area


Funding needed

Additional support required
We will be employing an experienced large landscape deer control manager, cullers with indicator dogs, contracting a helicopter culler, contracting tree planters. We already have access to all skill sets we need.

We will be planting 20,000 Kahikatea and 10,000 each of Totara, Rimu, Miro and Hinau.

Already underway