Taiao Training

Let’s powerup the regional workforce!

About this mission

The Taiao Training mission aims to grow our regional workforce. Training providers and kaimahi have their actions recorded and verified so that funding can flow directly to frontline action.

Training funding pool


Points recorded

Actions are recorded as points. Each point represents $1NZD worth of Taiao Training activity.


$NZD distributed

Points are exchanged for $NZD. This is the amount paid out for Taiao Training actions, so far.



Funding can be tagged. This is the amount allocated for distribution to Taiao Trainings.



This is the amount yet to be allocated. Add your actions to the record to unlock these funds.


Funds received

The total amount of funding that has been received into this Taiao Training funding pool.

Training record

ECX helps to distribute funds to taiao action across the East Coast.

Training Events

Training providers across the East Coast are organising events, workshops and mentoring programmes to upskill our taiao workforce.

Want to add an event? Get in touch at info@eastcoastexchange.nz