Circular Economy Mission:
Building a regenerative economy on the East Coast

43,115.40 m3

resources that could be recycled, reused or avoided


future or existing projects recorded


funding needed to
support projects


funding via the
ECX to date

What is a circular economy?

Quite simply - every material that we extract, harvest and create is a resource to be kept in use for as long as possible.

In Te Ao Māori, everything has a circular, reciprocal relationship, interconnected through whakapapa and intergenerational responsibilities. 

The current approach to resource use and waste is linear, or take, make and dispose. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like repair, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture and composting. We can stop waste and pollution being produced in the first place, products and materials are kept in circulation and nature is regenerated. 

Features of circular economy initiatives:

  • Redesigning how systems or products are created so they use less resources, last longer, or get a continued life, and eliminate waste compared to standard industry practices.

  • Sharing and trading via online platforms, libraries, secondhand markets and ‘product as a service’ models to reduce the need for new materials.

  • Extending the lifespan to keep them in circulation via reuse, repair, refurbishment, redesign, repurpose and remanufacture.

  • Recycling or composting waste materials into usable materials.

  • Reducing emissions across key areas of operations and day-to-day life.

  • Instead of continuously degrading nature, we build natural capital and make space for nature to heal and thrive.

Building a circular economy on the East Coast

We have an opportunity to build networks of shared and circulating resources here in Te Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay. By building a more circular economy we can increase our resilience, create greater local access to resources, boost innovation and increase community cohesion.

We are on a mission to:   

    • Develop our local knowledge base and skill sets

    • Reduce consumption of new products and increase sharing / trading of resources

    • Give greater access to local resources such as building and construction materials and reduce dependency on other regions

    • Encourage enterprise and innovation of new circular solutions

    • Facilitate funding support to scale community projects adapting and responding to resource and climate challenges through circular action

    Want to help? You can directly fund circular economy projects here.

    • Set up local and central spaces for honouring resources including repair, repurposing, collection and redistribution.

    • Encouraging the development and collaboration of a regional resource recovery networks.

    • Understand and track the impact to the people, whenua and the wider East Coast ecosystem so we can build support for circular practices and share the story.

    • Adopt standardised measurement methodologies so we can monitor impact at a regional and national scale.

Circular economy projects underway or ready for investment

Get funds direct to those taking action

Every dollar you fund goes straight to those who are taking action to establish a circular economy on the East Coast

Each one is verified with data, photos or people on the ground so you know your money is going to real world impact.