Kōtare Station

Biodiversity Project

Matawai, Tairāwhiti

About this project

We are working to restore and protect biodiversity over 166ha at Kōtare Station (767ha total) a productive sheep, beef and deer farm located in Matawai.

To date this has been through new native planting, stock exclusion from existing forests, best practice pest management and the protection of four blocks of land totalling 41.9103ha through QEII covenants in 2009 (deer fenced regenerating native bush). It is a habitat for several regionally and nationally threatened species, including the North Island robin, whio, long-tailed bats, weka and falcon/karearea.

Additional projects we would like to carryout:

  1. New native planting (2.1ha) within area previously harvested pinus raidata (now deer fenced).

  2. Regenerating existing native forest: Replacement planting, more intensive weed and pest control of 11ha of regenerating native forest.

  3. Maintaining existing native forest: Deer-proof fencing, more intensive weed and pest control of 0.5ha of established native forest to encourage the regeneration of native fauna and flora.

  4. Converting two areas of farmland back to their natural state as Ephemeral Wetlands totally 3.9ha (threatened naturally uncommon ecosystems).

Project by:

Kōtare Station

166 ha

Project area


Funding needed

Additional support required

Project Status

Already underway