Te Kautuku

Biodiversity Project

Rangitukia, Tairāwhiti

About this project

Te Kautuku is a 936 ha Māori land block collectively owned by over 300 shareholders and managed under an Ahu Whenua Trust.

The vision is for at least 85% of Te Kautuku to be regenerated to its natural habitat, including the restoration of indigenous forests, wetlands, waterways and historic sites.

Despite changes in land use, significant areas of native forest have remained intact, including 217 hectares held under Ngā Whenua Rāhui kawenata. Natural regeneration of more than 50% of the whenua has been in progress for the last 15 years after retiring land from sheep and beef farming. Mānuka honey production is now the main operation for this land block.

Project by:

Te Kautuku Trust

936 ha

Project area


Funding needed

Additional support required

Already underway.