Biodiversity Project

Waipura Farms Pest Management

Matokitoki, Tairāwhiti

About this project

Pest Management over 840HA farm - possums, stoats, ferrets and rats.

Deploy A24, DOC 200, DOC 250 and timms traps across the farm. Hire a part time trapper to service the traps, estimated 40 hours per month over a 5 year period to get a handle over pests. Close proximity to Grey's bush and lots of 100+ year old existing native bush on farm. Given proximity to Grey's bush this would encourage another feed source for native bird life and bird passage way. Pest control would help undergrowth to come away in native blocks.

Long term aspiration to introduce new bird species to farm such as Kākāriki. Small amount of pest management being done at the moment but unable to service the entire farm ourselves.

Project by:

Waipura Farms Ltd

840 ha

Project area


Funding needed

Additional support required
Farm pest management.

Future Project