Biodiversity Project

Whinray Eco Sanctuary at Motu

Mōtū, Tairāwhiti

About this project

The Whinray Eco Sanctuary at Motu, East Cape is working hard to recover over 23 regionally rare species.

This project protects the most ecologically significant ancient forest ecosystem within Tairawhiti and is managed by an experienced Community Charitable Trust.

The project manages 2000 hectares of land and is restoring kiwi, native bats, whio, north island robin, rifleman, striped skink, green gecko, whitehead, kereru, kaka, peripatus, Hochstetters frog and many more species.

Project by:

Whinray Ecological Charitable Trust

2000 ha

Project area


Funding needed

Additional support required
This project has been operational for 23 years and runs on bare bones funding. It is a nationally significant site due to its biodiversity and pristine state and desperately needs funding to manage pests such as stoats, possum, rats and feral cats.

Project Status
